Urdu to English Dictionary: ق

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ق ḳāf
ق ḳāf called قاف قرشت the twenty-first letter of the Arabic alphabet, does not occur in pure Persian, and has no analogous letter in Sans- krit. Its sound differs from that of ک or the
قا فيه ḳāfiya
قا فيه ḳāfiya A (from قفا To follow) s. m. Rhyme, cadence, metre, the last letter in a verse, to which all the other distichs rhyme. (In poems which terminate in a double rhyme, the penult syllable is ḳāfiya, the last being called radīf). قافيه تنگ هونا ḳāfiya tang honā, To be very poor or distressed.
قاب ḳāb
قاب ḳāb A (Heb. ) 1. s. f. A large dish used for serving rice, &c. in at a meal, or for kneading dough in, &c. 2. s. m. The distance be- tween the part where a bow is grasped by the hand and its extremities. قاب قوسين ḳāb-ḳau- sain, The distance of two bows, or rather of two bows from the part grasped by the hand to the extremities.
قابض ḳābiẓ
قابض ḳābiẓ A (part. act. from قبض) 1. adj. Seizing, holding, grasping, taking. 2. Astrin- gent. 3. s. m. A receiver, possessor. قابض الارواح ḳābiẓu-l-arwāḥ, The angel of death.
قابل ḳābil
قابل ḳābil A (from قبل) 1. part. act. Receiving, taking. 2. adj. Possible, capable, worthy, fit, skilful, sufficient, able, clever, deserving. قابل هونا ḳābil honā, To deserve, to merit.
قابله ḳābila
قابله ḳābila A s. f. A midwife.
قابليت ḳābil-īyat
قابليت ḳābil-īyat A s. f. Possibility, skill, suf- ficiency, capacity, capability, ability, accom- plishment.
قابو ḳābū
قابو ḳābū T. (from Turk. قاپو ḳāpū or قپو ḳapū, A gate; q. d. by which one may enter or arrive at the object of oneʼs desire) s. m. Power, com- mand, authority, opportunity, possession, will. قابوپانا ḳābū pānā, To get advantage or power (over). قابوپرست ḳābū-parast, adj. Tyranni- cal. قابوپرستي ḳābū-parast-ī, s. f. Tyranny. قابوچلانا ḳābū chalānā, To exercise oneʼs power, to take advantage. قابوچي ḳābū-chī, adj. Despotick, tyrannical.
قاتل ḳātil
قاتل ḳātil A part. act. (of قتل) 1. Killing. 2. s. m. A murderer, assassin. 3. Homicide. 4. adj. Mortal, deadly, fatal.
قادر ḳādir
قادر ḳādir A (part. act. of قدر) adj. Potent, pow- erful, mighty, capable, skilful. القادر al-ḳādir, The Almighty.
قاروره ḳārūra
قاروره ḳārūra A (from قرّ To rest, to settle) s. m. A flask, glass, an urinal (sent to physicians, &c.).
قارون ḳārūn
قارون ḳārūn A n. prop. A person supposed to be the same as Korah, whom the Muhammadans describe as the cousin of Moses. (On account of his riches and avarice, his name is proverbially applied to all misers).
قاري ḳārī
قاري ḳārī A (part. act. of قرأ Heb. To read) s. m. A reader, especially of the ḳurʼān. (plur. قاريين ḳāriyīn).
قاز ḳāz
قاز ḳāz T s. m. A goose or duck.
قاسم ḳāsim
قاسم ḳāsim A part. act. (of قسم) 1. Dividing. 2. (sub.) A distributer. قاسم الارزاق ḳāsimu-l-arzāḳ, Distributer of daily bread, i. e. God.
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