English Meaning of مرخص muraḵẖḵẖaṣ

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مرخص muraḵẖḵẖaṣ : مرخص muraḵẖḵẖaṣ A (part. pass. II. of رخص Heb. ) adj. Permitted, allowed (to depart).

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موذن muʼaẕẕin
موذن muʼaẕẕin A (part. act. II. of أذن Heb. ) s. m. A publick crier to prayers.
مدعا muddaʼāﻌ
مدعا muddaʼāﻌ A (part. pass. VIII. of دعا or دعوة) s. m. Desire, wish, meaning, suit, view, object, scope. (Plur. مدعات). مدعا عليه muddaʼāﻌ aﻌlaihi, A defendant (in law), criminal.
مادهو माधव mādho
مادهو माधव mādho S or mādhav, s. m. A name of Kr̤ish̤ṇa or Vish̤ṇu.
منجنا manjnā
منجنا manjnā S̱. (intrans. of مانجنا q. v.) v. n. To be polished, to be cleaned, to be scoured.
متي mitī मिति
متي mitī मिति S̱. s. f. 1. Date. 2. Interest.
مـﮩ muh
مـﮩ muh S̱. s. m. See منـﮩ muṅh. S. مـﮩا महा (from महत्) mahā, adj. Great, il- lustrious; very, extremely. مـﮩا براهمن يا پاتر mahā-brāhmaṇ, or -pātr, A Brāhmaṇ who of- ficiates at funerals, and is first fed after the mourning for a dead person. مـﮩا بلي mahā- bal-ī, Very powerful. مـﮩا پاپ mahā pāp, Atrocity, great sin. مـﮩا پاپي mahā-pāp-ī, adj. Atrocious, great sinner. مـﮩا پرش महापुरुष mahā purush̤, A holy man. مـﮩا پرساد महाप्रसाद
مراقبه murāḳaba
مراقبه murāḳaba A (inf. III. of رقب) s. m. 1. Observation, contemplation. 2. Fearing God.
مرهٿا marhaṭā
مرهٿا marhaṭā S̱. (महाराष्ट्र) s. m. A Mahā- ratta.
مرفا marfā
مرفا marfā P. s. m. A kind of drum (beat at both ends), or like a ḍhol, covered at both ends with leather, but played on at one end only with a stick: see Qanoon-e-islam.
متفرقه mutafarriḳa
متفرقه mutafarriḳa A adj. fem. of متفرق muta- farriḳ, q. v.
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