Urdu to English Dictionary: پاپ

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آب پاشي āb-pāshī
آب پاشي āb-pāshī P s. f. Sprinkling water.
آتش پاره ātash-pāra
آتش پاره ātash-pāra P s. m. A spark, a lighted coal; a beautiful person; an exciter of quarrels; quarrelsome.
آتش پرست ātash-parast
آتش پرست ātash-parast P s. m. A worshipper of fire, a guebre, one of the sect of the Magi.
آتش پرستي ātash-parast-ī
آتش پرستي ātash-parast-ī P s. f. The worship of fire.
آسپد आस्पद āspad
آسپد आस्पद āspad S s. m. 1. Place, situa- tion. 2. Dignity, rank. H. S̱. اسپر is-par, On this. ¶ us-par, On that.
آپا āpā
آپا āpā S̱. (see آپ) s. f. An elder sister. Self.
آپد आपद् आ and r. पद Go ā-pad
آپد आपद् आ and r. पद Go ā-pad S. s. f. Calamity. (Arab. آفت āfat).
آپدا आपदा ā-padā
آپدا आपदा ā-padā S s. f. Misfortune, calamity.
آپروپ āp-rūp
آپروپ āp-rūp S̱. (आत्मा Self, and रूप Form) s. m. and adj. Self, self-formed, the deity.
آپس āpas
آپس āpas S̱. or apas (see آپ āp) pron.recip. Self, selves, oneʼs self, themselves, one another; (hence) s. f. Kindred, brotherhood, fellowship.
ابلاپا a-balā-pā
ابلاپا a-balā-pā S̱. s. m. Weakness.
ابهپراي abhiprāya
ابهپراي abhiprāya S (अभिप्राय) s. m. Meaning, intention, design, purpose, wish, desire.
اترپت अ and तृप्त Satisfied a-tript
اترپت अ and तृप्त Satisfied a-tript S. adj. Restless.
اتپات उत्पात utpāt
اتپات उत्पात utpāt S s. m. A portent, phe- nomenon; violence, injustice, injury.
اتپت उत्पत्ति उत् and r. पद Go. ut-patti
اتپت उत्पत्ति उत् and r. पद Go. ut-patti S. s. f. Birth, origin, creation, production.
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