English Meaning of ملون mulauwan

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ملون mulauwan : ملون mulauwan A (part. pass. II. of لون) adj. Coloured, variegated.

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ميزان mīzān
ميزان mīzān A (noun of instrum. of وزن) s. f. (dakh. s. m.) 1. A balance, a pair of scales. 2. The sign Libra. 3. Measure, metre, rhyme, verse, prosody. 4. Addition (in arithmetick). ميزان دينا يا لگانا mīzān-denā or -lagānā, To add, to cast up.
مٿيانا maṭiyānā
مٿيانا maṭiyānā H v. n. To wink at, to connive, to suffer, to tolerate.
معاينه muʼāﻌyana
معاينه muʼāﻌyana A (inf. III. of عين Heb. ) s. m. Beholding, seeing clearly or face to face.
ميٿها mīṭhā मिष्ट
ميٿها mīṭhā मिष्ट S̱. 1. adj. Sweet. 2. Slow. 3. s. A very active vegetable poison. 4. Name of a fruit. 5. (dakh.) A kiss.
مسروق masrūḳ
مسروق masrūḳ A (part. pass. of سرق To steal, analog. to Chald. To empty) adj. Surrep- titious, stolen, robbed.
مني manī
مني manī A (from مني Heb. and Aram. To define, to determine) s. f. Sperma genitale viri aut mulieris. ¶ minạ̄, Name of a place near Mecca, where sacrifices are made.
مرونا maronā
مرونا maronā H or perhaps mironā v. n. (dakh. i. q. گشت کرنا) To perambulate, roam, stroll, make a tour (?).
ماتا mātā
ماتا mātā S 1. (माता) s. f. Mother. 2. The smallpox. 3. (मत्त) adj. Drunk, intoxicated.
مـﮩرو mah-rū
مـﮩرو mah-rū P adj. Having a face beautiful as the moon.
معجون maﻌjūn
معجون maﻌjūn A (part. pass. of عجن) s. f. An electuary medicine, confection.
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