English Meaning of نواڙي niwāṛī

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نواڙي niwāṛī : نواڙي niwāṛī S̱. s. f. See نواري niwārī.

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نگڙگهٿ nigaṛ-ghaṭ
نگڙگهٿ nigaṛ-ghaṭ H adj. (dakh. i. q. شوخ چشم) Unceremonious, at liberty, bold, impudent (?).
نکسير naksīr
نکسير naksīr S̱. (from नासिका Nose, and शिरा Nerve, vein) s. f. The veins of the nose. نکسير پهوٿنا naksīr phūṭnā, To bleed at the nose.
ن nūn
ن nūn The twenty-fifth letter of the Arabic and twenty-ninth of the Persian alphabet, corre- sponds to न in Sanskrit. It is one of the dental letters, and has the sound of the English n, with the following exceptions. 1. When it is quiescent in the middle or end of a word, and follows a madda or simple long vowel, it has a very slight nasal sound; as, in زبون Bad, زمان Time, زمين The earth, ماندن To remain: this is called نون غنب nūn-i-g̠ẖunna. If, how- ever, the word at the end of which it occurs be so placed in composition that the ن become moveable by iẓāfat, it ceases to be nasal and resumes its original sound as a dental letter. 2. When it precedes ب or پ it has the sound of m; as, in منبر mimbar, A pulpit; سنپت
نير naiyir
نير naiyir A (from نور) s. m. 1. The sun. 2. The moon. نيراعظم naiyir-i-aﻌz̤am, The greater lu- minary, the sun. نيرين naiyirain, dual, The sun and moon.
نجار najjār
نجار najjār A (adj. superl. of نجر Chald. and Syr. ) s. m. A carpenter.
نوپر नूपुर nūpur
نوپر नूपुर nūpur S s. f. A ring hollowed, about a finger and a half in breadth, used as an orna- ment for the ankles and toes. (In it are bits of copper or iron, of the size of a vetch, which cause it to sound like a number of small bells, when the wearer walks).
نوٴين noʼīn
نوٴين noʼīn P or noyīn, s. m. A prince, a kingʼs or noblemanʼs son. (Plur. نوٴينان noʼīnān). S. P. نه na (Sans. न) neg. particle, No, not, nay, neither, nor.
نکر नक्र nakr
نکر नक्र nakr S s. m. An alligator.
نوک nok
نوک nok P s. f. 1. A bill, beak, nib. 2. End, point, tip, angle. نوک جهوک nok-jhok, s. f. Pulling and hauling. نوک چوک nok-chok, s. f. Talking by innuendos. نوک دار nok-dār, adj. Pointed. نوک زبان nok-i-zabān, By heart.
نباهنا nibāhnā निर्वाहण
نباهنا nibāhnā निर्वाहण S̱. v. a. 1. To ac- complish, achieve, perfect, perform. 2. To protect, to guard, to take care of. 3. To keep oneʼs faith. 4. To behave. 5. To afford. 6. To conduct.
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